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PA Pre-Orientation Page

Congratulations on your upcoming assignment!

USN and our partner facility would like to thank you for your service and commitment by agreeing to work this assignment.

IMPORTANT: Please pay close attention to and follow the steps outlined below to complete your pre-orientation curriculum and modules prior to your assigned in-person orientation. You must complete all required reading, corresponding test and module curriculum outlined in steps one thru four.

The estimated time to complete steps one thru four on this page is 7.5 hours.

Spending more time on the curriculum than the estimated time indicated will not be paid without the express authorization of USN.

Steps 1 & 2

Step 1: General Nursing Policy Pre-Orientation Review

Please click the link below to review ALL of the General Nursing Policies required for Pre-Orientation.

General Nursing Policies

Step 2: Hybrid Licensed Nurse Orientation Comprehensive Quiz

Please click the link below to complete the required Hybrid Licensed Nurse Orientation Comprehensive Quiz based on the General Nursing policies reviewed in the Pre-Orientation packet. **You must receive a score of 80% or higher to be considered passing; Please retake until desired score is achieved.**

Step 3: GOALS

GOALS Testing Environment. Please follow the directions below closely.

  1. First, visit to reset your password utilizing the credentials provided in your pre-learning email.

  2. Select ‘Password Reset’

  3. Enter your username that looks like an e-mail address ending in

  4. Enter your workforce number.

  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to set your password.

  6. Next, once you have successfully reset your password, visit to login to complete the GOALS trainings.

*Completions are tracked in the system, and paid accordingly based on the recorded completion time**

PING ID Enrollment Guide
