Perks & Discounts
Traveler perks & discounts
We believe in rewarding our healthcare professionals with more than just a paycheck. As a member of the USN family, you also gain access to a variety of exclusive benefits, discounts and perks.
We've partnered with a diverse range of brands to curate a collection of rewards tailored just for you. Dive in and explore our current collaborations below or if you're already on assignment, watch for personalized recommendations in your inbox.
These unique advantages are exclusively for travelers currently on assignment with USN. As you begin your assignment, an exclusive invitation to our perks program will be emailed to you within the first few weeks.
Entertainment & Wellness
No matter where you are in the country, you can use your USN perks account to receive up to 60% off theme parks, movie tickets, concerts, plays, shopping, sporting events, and much more.
With partners like Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, Cirque Du Soleil, Six Flags, Cedar Fair, and many others, we are sure you can find something fun near your assignment with a discount on us!
Health & Fitness
Get a discount on membership at LA Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness and other locations across the country, as well as other health access like Smile Direct Club, Lasik Plus, and more.
Meal services
USN travelers enjoy exclusive discounts when they sign up for Hello Fresh meal delivery services. It's a stress-free way to ensure you're eating right with fresh ingredients before (or after) your shift.
Electronics and Retail
Enjoy reduced pricing on brands like Samsung, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Frigidare Appliances, Maytag, Philips, Logitech and more.
Retail & Apparel
Discount partners include Samsonite Luggage, Crocs, Columbia, Petsmart, Marshalls, BJs, Mattress Firm, Drizzly, Vitamix and many more.
Services & Travel
Services & Memberships
Enjoy discounted service charges and membership costs to nationwide providers including Verizon Wireless, ADT, PetsBest Pet Insurance, Costco, Sam’s Club, American Home Shield Warranty, Babbel Language App, Rocket Home Mortgage and more.
In addition to any housing assistance you may receive through our Travel and Housing team, employees enjoy discounts at Budget Car Rental, Enterprise, CheapAir, Hertz, Penske, Wyndham, RV Share and many other popular retailers.