U.S. Nursing Illinois RN License Program
Previous USN RNs can get up $250 License reimbursed for the following Specialties:
Bone Marrow Transplant
Burn ICU
Cath Lab
Chemo Certified
EP Lab
Radiation and Oncology
Transplant (Post Transplant ICU, Coordinator, OR)
If you apply for a new nursing state license or renewal in Illinois between June 29th, 2023 & October 6th, 2023 licensing fees up to $250 will be reimbursed.
Reimbursement and expenses paid includes the application fee, license verification and background check fees. U.S. Nursing will not reimburse for postage or coursework fees.
Qualified applicants will be reimbursed within 4-6 weeks upon proof of ACTIVE Illinois licensure.
You must obtain an active Illinois license and be submitted to the Illinois strike in order to receive
All Illinois license receipts must be emailed to USNLicensing@fastaff.com by October 6, 2023.